Kumhrar Park

Kumhrar Park, located in Patna, is a special archaeological place that hosts several ancient ruins that have been excavated by archaeologists. Kumhrar, also called Kumrahar, is a special place in Patna. It used to be the main city for kings like Ajatshatru, Chandragupta, and Ashoka. Kumhrar is about 6 kms away from the Patna train station. When experts dig here, they find things that are really, really old, like from 600 BC! They’ve found things from different times, all the way from 600 BCE to 600 CE. It’s a fantastic place to visit if you want to know about the amazing history of Pataliputra and the time when the Mauryan empire was around.

Kumhrar park main gate - kumhrar park,kumhrar park patna

Kumhrar Park: Historical significance

Patna, once called Pataliputra, had many names over time, showing how special and old it is. This place saw big moments, like when Buddha came and when King Udayin moved the capital here.

Lots of important Indian empires, like the Mauryas and Guptas, made this place thrive. People wrote about how amazing Pataliputra was—its huge size, strong walls, and the fancy palace of Chandragupta Maurya.

In Patna, there’s a cool place called Kumhrar Park. It’s like a treasure chest full of old things from ancient Pataliputra. The park mainly shows things from the time of the Mauryas, especially two special places—the 80-pillared hall and the Arogya Vihar.

Digging in Kumhrar was like finding secrets. They found Anand Bihar, which was a brick monastery, and the Durakhi Devi Temple’s special stone railing. These things, from different times, tell us about the city’s mix of cultures and how clever the people were. You can see these old things in the park—they’re like stories waiting for you to discover them.

Discovery and significant excavation at Kumhrar

Assembly Hall of 80 pillars

Kumhrar, a special place, has been explored many times. People like D.B. Spooner and K.P. Jaiswal dug into it and found interesting things. In the early 1900s, Spooner uncovered a big stone pillar and bits of a large building with 80 pillars. This building is super old, dating back to around 400 to 300 years before Jesus was born. The explorers found 72 holes in the ground that showed where the other pillars used to stand. Later, in the 1950s, Jaiswal discovered eight more holes and gave the place a new name – the “Assembly Hall of 80 Pillars.” They also found four more pillars near the entrance. These pillars were arranged like rows in a room, 10 from east to west and 8 from north to south. They were made of shiny rock from a place called Mirzapur. Each pillar was really tall, about as high as a two-story house, with some part buried underground. They stood on a square wooden base. The floor and roof of the hall were made of wood. Near the entrance, there were about 30 steps leading to a canal that connected to the Son River. This canal was likely used by important guests who came to the hall by boat. They even kept one of these pillars in a nearby park for everyone to see!

Anand Bihar at Kumhrar

The excavations found the base of a special place called a Brick Buddhist Monastery, made of bricks obviously. They also found some interesting things like clay figures and wooden beams. These neat discoveries are now shown to people in a nearby Kumhrar park for everyone to see!

Arogya Vihar at Kumhrar

During the digging at Kumhrar, they found a special place called Arogya Vihar. It was like a hospital and a monastery. They discovered a small clay piece with words on it that said “Sri Arogyavihare Bhikshusamghasya.” This place was run by Dhanvantari, a famous doctor long ago. People think he started Ayurveda, which is an old Indian way of using plants for healing. They found many things like coins and decorations here. The Arogya Vihar had rooms that were about 10 feet by 10 feet and 21 feet by 10 feet. To keep it safe, they covered it and made a brick structure for visitors to see.

Durakhi Devi Temple

During the dig, they found a special piece of carved stone with carvings of ladies on both sides. They called it ‘Durukhi‘ or ‘Durukhiya‘ Devi because it showed figures on two sides (double faced). It’s a special kind of art from the Shunga empire called Shalabhanjikas, showing women breaking tree branches. People think it’s part of a ritual young women did for fertility. They took these carvings to a place called Naya Tola, a kilometer away, where they’re now kept in a temple-like building and worshipped. The Patna Museum also has a copy of these carvings.

Kumhrar Park: Timings and Tickets

Entry Timing : 8 AM to 5 PM

Entry Fees : INR 25/- (For Indian citizens)
INR 300/- (For Foreigners)

Parking Charges : Free

Note : Early morning entry is free from 5 AM to 8 AM.

Kumhrar park ticket counter - kumhrar park,kumhrar park patna

Kumhrar Park: How to reach?

From Patna Railway Station, a shared auto-rickshaw and bus is available which directly drops you at Kumhrar Park.

From Rajendra Nagar Terminal, a shared auto-rickshaw is available which again directly drops you at Kumhrar Park. If you prefer, you can take a walk to the park as it is not that far from Rajendra Nagar Terminal.

From Jay Prakash Narayan Airport, take an auto-rickshaw or bus to Patna Railway Station and then to Kumhrar Park

Kumhrar Park: Nearby attractions

Kumhrar Park is well connected by pubic transport that makes it easy for people to check out other interesting stuff around Bihar’s main city. You can explore these places which are few kms away :

Or these places to visit in Patna

Kumhrar Park FAQS

What are the timings of the Kumhrar Park?

Kumhrar Park is open from 8am to 5pm. Early morning entry is free from 5am to 8am.

What is the entry fee for Kumhrar Park?

Kumhrar Park entry fee is INR 25 for Indians and INR 250 for foreigners.

When is the best time to visit the Kumhrar Park?

Anytime is the best time to visit the Kumhrar Park. But ideally September to April.

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